Thursday 13 September 2012

Todays news in a nutshell

Hundreds of people protest outside the U.S embassy in Cairo because of a video that is insulting the profit Mohammed. They shouted "Death to America" among other chants.

Below is a video of CNN's coverage of the on goings. The reporter chooses to describe the protesters as "Definitely an Islamic looking crowd"  and highlights that a few men are wearing Islamic looking clothing. This is an interesting spin to put on the story, considering the connotations that Islam holds in regards to 9/11. This use of language hopes to influence the viewers thought process and overshadow any other reasons for anti-American protest.

"A video that THEY SAY is insulting their profit"(Spoken very quickly)
This quick statement is overlooked in the broadcast, although in another, perhaps fairer report could be the main focus of the story.

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